Druidic figures Our ancient Druids were Pythagoreans, were at the base of Pythagoreanism and if there is any certainty on this earth, it is that the numbers never lie. Galileo said this: "Philosophy is written in this vast book which constantly stands open before our eyes (I mean the universe), and we cannot understand it if we do not first learn to know the language and characters in which it is written. Now it is written in mathematical language, and its characters are triangles, circles and other geometric figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word, without which one wanders really in a dark labyrinth ". Beautiful parable if I may say so. To be more precise : "the mind thinks in calculations, in shapes and in nuances of tones". Numbers are gods, and these gods are values that make up humanity. Below is a value system that should look a lot like the old one. The number zero is the number of immobility (None). The number one is the number of uniqueness. (Solitude). The number two is the number of duality. (Exchange). The number three is the number of the multitude, of the whole. (Sharing and balance) Four is the number of complementarity. (Acquired) Five is the number of integrity. (Personality) Six is the number of discernment. (consciousness). Seven is the number of spiritual wholeness. (Fullness) . Eight is the number of the divinity (self-transcendence). Nine is the number of renewal and creativity, it is that of the soul, nemetos in Gallic. (Eternity). This system is mine, the old system only includes 7 figures in other dogmas, it works for a short time and is present on the symbolism of Gallic sculptures already 2500 years before our days. It still serves all around the earth and the Indhu use it as a chakra system, the Jews claim its origin but it is present in cultures much earlier than theirs. For numerologies this spiritual system allows you to evoke trends from birth, if you were born, a seventeen for example, you are under the sign 1 of uniqueness and 7 of spiritual wholeness, so certainly a letter. (In addition I think I can say that the system of values also existed on a symbolic lettering, a bit like that of the Greeks but more pragmatic, a letter for king, another for durability ... etc) My system of 9 digits plus zero works quite well, even better because the old calculations only had a maximum of 7 digits, with 9, we agree more with the calculations of the solar, lunar, zodiacal and terrestrial cycles. By the way, I want you to remember that the old calculations were made to the nearest half unit, so precise but not enough, the cycle of the moon was calculated on 29.5 rotations. a speaking example: 666 We must not forget that this figure is that of bestiality and horror ... among the obscurantists and in particular among the Catholics, this undoubtedly means that for the Druids, this figure is that of the luminosity and the science then .... let's study it. It seems that the basis of the accounts was established on the digits 6, 6x6 = 36 36 columns with Doric, Ionic and Corenthian temples frequented by the Gallic druids, but more still. The spiral, symbol of the druis, is the result of a logarhythm representing time. Count like this, 1st column 1 + 2 = 3 2nd column + 3 = 6 3rd column + 4 = 10 ..etc This up to the 36 columns of the temple and then add up all the results and you will get the number 666! This is the number of temples, sacred houses that housed the ancient sciences ... 666 the worst number for the obscurantists and the most beautiful because forming a big whole for the scientists! 666 is the number which represents the spirit and the physical, it is the number of the man. This number indicated by the columns also reminds us how many years were necessary in Antiquity to become a druid, only half of each column is lit (that's even why they are crenellated), the other part in the shadow. 36 columns divided by 2 equal 18 .......... 18 years of studies, 18 passing grades? 18 light columns, 3x6 .... 6,6,6. You understood that I had just put in your hands the ancient mathematical system that the druids used (stonehenge) and that the Freemasons had forgotten themselves until this day ... of 2019. On the pediments of the parthenon are triglyphs, 36 on the front, 81 on the sides. In stonehenge there are 5 triglyphs in porticoes (15) Always think of the mirror of the waters. 36 versus 63 = 99 81 versus 18 = 99 ...... 15 versus 51 = 66 Are you starting to understand? (FYI, the christian bible contains 66 books, and allah would have 99 perfect nameits). Let's dig a little. 36 or 3 and 6 = 9 81 or 8 and 1 = 9 15 or 1 and 5 = 6 That makes it all fish! Let's see, 9 + 6 = 15 or 1 and 5 = 6 432 versus 234 = 666 4 + 3 + 2 = 9 432 ÷ 3 (triglyphs) = 144 1 + 4 + 4 = 9 (Remember this 144; nb: a day is like 1000 years, that is to say 144 = 144000; 12 * 12 = 144) Yes that's it, let's think triglyphs: 81: 3 = 27, 2 and 7 = 9, 9: 3 = 3 36: 3 = 12, 1 and 2 = 3 This number 3 is the base number for any Druidic calculation precisely. The famous "Tribann" would therefore also be a triglyph symbol? The first of them even I would say, and while we're at it, our international triskel consisted of three 9s when looking out and three 6s when looking inwards. All these sacred calculations in 3/6/9, which I called "allegorical and mathematical" indeed come from us. They are systematically found in megalithic circles. The size of the stones makes the difference. And thanks to this system, you will be able to understand the costing of certain works ... We know a divine triad, Teutates, Aesus, Taranis. The six embodies Aesus, that's for sure; there are 3 and 9, Taranis (solar impulsivity) and Teutates (the cycle of stars)? (Creativity). This would also correspond to three types of cycle, those found in trouillabourgs, stone circles: the month, the luster and the Gallic century. ... And I can, intrasically in truth, I can tell you that the calculations which govern Stonehenge are quite impressive. You can be very proud of your ancestors. "The megalhitic circle of stonehenge is a calculation table". Our numerologists are going to give it their all. I'm starting to give you clues: There are three central stones including an altar and two twins. These twins appear to belong to another circle but do not have the same shape. 3. Kernunos, Lugus, Donn's There follows 5 porticoes of 3 pillars, 15 pillars. 15 versus 51 = 66 = 6 + 6 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3. Remember the shape and size of the stones, that's what makes the difference. (Remember that, it makes all the difference. Between what is shown and what is hidden. . Our secrets are hidden among others, inside others). "The size of stonehenge monoliths is very important, they are arranged in Torques" (Those same which one finds among the Gallic ones 2000 years later). The monoliths arranged on the circle of the thirty pillars have a common characteristic in their dimension. Analyze these rectangular volumetric shapes a little in depth. The Coligny calendar is calculated using duplicate figures, the first being the last, as on the Torque model. These duplicates are found in stonehenge circles. I remember that a stone had been removed in the 29-day circle, it shows very well. The spacings should all be equal however part of the monthly circle was awkwardly rearranged, there were 29 slots planned. The 30 years are also represented. So ..... we have: 1 altar 2 twin stones 3 cycle types, (5-year chandelier, 29-day month, 30-year century). The torcs are oriented in the 4 directions, 4 The zodiac was made up of 21 terrestrial signs it seems but it is inverted according to its reflection in the oceanic skies (both numbers are correct). 12. The three stones in lines on the outside are there to indicate a complement in the circles. There are 7 circles. You will notice that not all circles are arranged at an equal distance. These distances participate in the calculations. There are three types, as in all European circles. Remember that the calculations are made in light (openwork) and in darkness (solid stones). I laugh a little, thinking that when you have used all the known calculation methods in addition to numerology, you will realize that the Stonehenge circle is a real technological jewel of 4000 years. He uses quantum philosophy, it's very serious. Where the revealed concept is very strong is that it describes a spiritual energy associated not with the physical or moral plane of someone in particular, but with the geographical place where it arises. That is to say that there is a plane of living geographic "consciousness". Druids study geobiology remember. It makes a great difference that we made with other religious currents that take advantage of quantum theory as a modernizing fad. "For the neophyte I would say that everything that disappears on one side reappears on the other" this unconditionally from the physical aspect of things. The roots of the tree compensate for the shortages and excess of the cauldron to maintain its balance. You yourselves are only spirit parts of the energy of the spiritual tree, you participate in it. Vowe have an energetic double on the other side of the mirror. It belongs directly to your tree and you can only enjoy its full potential in certain places (the date also matters). You had never noticed the fact that all the prophets were travelers who would have performed miracles in certain places only. Now dig your head and try to transpose this system on so-called perfect volumes (whose opposite sides are equal) of equilateral and square triangle type, have fun with a curve too. You will be amazed at the result, and you will perhaps understand the uses to which this system served, and also that our ancient druids were true scientists, because the mathematical system which results from it is at least as successful as the one we use today. hui. So this number 666 is the link which encompasses the great whole: the sacred and the human. Reflection to report with the book of time, the revelations. Other number from book 144 6x24 = 144 to be put in relation with the calculation of time, a calendar. I call the mirror of the waters, the difference and the accumulation between the sacred world of the spirit and the world of the human animal. The world of the spirit is always larger than the physical world. 36x12 = 432 Remember the numbers on the phylosopher's stone ... 432 (spirit) in the mirror of the waters gives 234 (body). 432 + 234 = 666. These are the time numbers remember, I don't give all the explanations in detail here, only clues because it will take too long. And then I want you to find for yourself, those who will understand are special people, take all the numbers of the "revelations", and compare them to the calendars and cycles of the spirit, especially those of the moon and the sun. . A very old triglyph. A very old triglyph. I would be unforgivable if I did not teach you the golden ratio. In fact this one was used to define the natural relation of a logarhythm between the center of the calendar, throne of Kernunos and its Lunar environment. (That number 1.6 is often found in flower expansions, but every story is about the time of a blooming flower, isn't it?) Take the figures from the philosophical calendar. 2x3x4x24 = x X: 360 = 1.6 It is the demonstrative ratio of the number of the natural increase of time. Regarding the relationship with the book of revelations, it is in the relationship with the number 144. X = 4 sides of the temple multiplied 144 The 36 columns of time I mentioned above are 10 units high. That is 360 ... lunar months. It's all old. At least 2,500 years ago ..... well before the Christian "area". Another thing of importance, I noticed that the number of lines of poetic Gallic texts which have come down to us, always corresponded to the figures of the philosophical calendar, 4 for the seasons, 15 or 16 for the half-months. .etc. (Beware of duplicate months that count double or not at all. NB: you will find other figures on the cosmology sheet. Remarkable figures and calculations. Versus = Aquarius Used 5x1.6 = 8 10x1.6 = 16 15x1.6 = 24 20x1.6 = 32 .... etc .. The key is the golden ratio which makes it possible to isolate two whole digits common denominators for what concerns us, that is to say the philosophical assembly. 8 and 5 ; 90x1.6 = 144 432: 1.6 = 270 (90 is a 1/4, 270 is 3/4) ... 144: 8 = 18 270: 5 = 54 432: 8 = 54 .... 54 versus 45 = 99 18 versus 81 = 99 432 versus 234 = 666 It would undoubtedly be interesting to highlight this golden number in the arrangement of the stonehenge circle, it is there and in addition it was used to calculate the number of worms in the calendar divided by 1000, the numbers are close, so we have an equivalence with an ancient unit of measure of approximately 3.2 / 1, a phalanx if I remember correctly, 3,500 years of history. The stones have been reworked to find the matches. ______________ Let's see..9 is the number of the soul. Calculate that with the previous numbers, divisions; multiplications, additions, subtractions, logarhythms ... There are 6, 9, symbolic signs of fish ... It reflects all around in the waters. This symbol of the fish, in 69 tilted, you have undoubtedly seen it elsewhere too, in a similar form. --------- Learn to think on several levels, formal-informal, spiritual-philosophical-religious-scientific, interior-exterior, abstract ... always seek harmony. The osmosis of all the branches, without understanding everything directly, you will enter another thoughtful dimension close to meditation and you will open your eyes to something greater. On the way to the omniscience of the druids, and with the habit you will begin to think with the figures, their calculations, and on a different plane with their symbolism, different but complementary. (Ps: you go fast you gore account that the consideration on wealth where poverty no longer has any importance in the highly spiritual macrocosm of Druidity). It is for this kind of reason that the arts are all very important, the artistic practice allows to create on various bases, the figures themselves, are constantly used. _______________ Ladder. To climb the tree and perfect your Druidic language, you need a comparison scale to bring two subjects together. Ex: 1 hour equals 1 month. One day is like 1000 years, ..etc Everything in your text is calculated with a parallel (the numbers stay when the lyrics fly). The first number relates to the human plan, the second relates to the divine plan. The scale is the link between the two. The ancients used a correspondence table on which the universe was defined. The various stages of the pantheon and all scholarly spirituality were modeled on them. The general plan was three by three for the first stage, hence the triads. Another was nine out of nine. The corners were also duplicates. distance and spiritual form were to be evoked in relation to the stars and the colors of time. Physical distances were calculated according to time units in antiquity. Artistic accounts Gallic jewelry. Gallic jewelry. Everything in the Gallic civilization is counted according to particular figures, this is felt very well in the artistic expression, especially with the jewels and certain adornments which, in my opinion, have a resemblance to the adornments of the European Neolithic. Here an ear jewelry with 12 "rays" as the number of months of the year. The Druids were famous for counting, calculating certain values, systematically in the expression of the sacred. I was able to verify this encryption in a good part of the Gallic production. The numbers and the enchantment. You will understand why the governments made sure that the techniques of Gallic Druidism were not researched in depth. A small study on a little-known enchantment because it is well hidden. The numbers participate in all the enchantments. Have you ever wondered why money drives you crazy? Take the euro for example. Each coin where banknote represents an account. 1 They are made up of two different sides, 2 These objects work on 3 dimensions, the personalized side, the edge (where the door) that makes the difference and the company. 3 They have 4 sides to stabilize them, the top, left, right, bottom. 4 For the euro there are 15 kinds of values, 1 cts, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 6 values less than € 1, 6 the seventh being the euro, 7 1 €, 2, then in banknotes 5 €, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500. We only use these 15 values commonly. 1 + 5 = 6 Add the values that make up 1 euro and you get 88 cts, the number of constellations in the sky. The two coins of 1 and 2 €, = 3 is the basic number to mount a prism. Up to half the euro, or 50%, there are only 6 coins. It is the physical part, because for the spiritual part of the world below which represents the other half of the entity (hidden) there is necessarily 50% spiritual, one never goes without the other. For the euro, there are 6 visible and 6 invisible fractions, 12. (The zodiac is made up like this, a luminous physical part of 6 signs and another dark only spiritual part of 6 other signs). And there are 12 little stars. 12 Compare with the prism of the Gallic calendar. It is a magician's prism. (Always look for collusion of numbers. The ancient druids were well known to count what they saw all day long, they looked for collusion of numbers in the natural environment). You should look at the value scale at the beginning of this sheet to make comparisons. Occasionally you should ask yourself whether you know of other organizations of this type among the societal arrangements. (You want some advice, keep a 5 euro banknote always with you, it won't make you rich but it will surely prevent you from becoming poor, and while you are at it if you are interested in analyzing the encrypted currencies weakest and strongest). Look up the numbers. Druidic figures. Druidic figures. To be part of the universe, you must already be able to understand it. The numbers are there for that. This passion flower, a very beautiful creation, has mysteries that should be studied. Let's see ... on the floral side, there is: -3 -5 -1 -5 circles -5 inner "petals" -5 "outer petals -3 leaves at the base. Passionflower details. Passionflower details. You will already notice that these are prime digits, ie indivisible as if it were a so-called "whole" or "first" construction. There are often biIf you take measurements, playing a little with the dimensions and the calculator, you will find all the calculations that make the unity of passionflower ...
Je cherche un éditeur livre pour le contenu du site.
Je vous demanderai de faire très attention a un site nommé "morpheus". Dès le moment où il affirme qu'une druidesse aurait appris à Pythagore la fin des gaulois faisant référence aux hyperboreens, c'est déjà 😱, une manipulation mensongère. Il cherche de l'argent partout.
Je vous rappelle que le druidisme c'est gratuit, quand il faut payer obligatoirement pour du contenu (débile) c'est sectaire.
on a déja un certains nombre de chrétiens, de sionistes, des adeptes de l'asatru qui s'appliquent à piller les ressources de ce site depuis un bon moment.
Il ne nous reste plus qu'à leur déclarer la guerre ouverte pour être un peu tranquille. J'ai même trouver des gens qui recopient mes trouvailles sur le livre des lumières à leur compte, d'autres religions...
il existe une créature humaine s'étant précipité pour plagier mon contenu et ensuite s'empresser de fonder une secte......de gourou indouiste, qui est un franc-maçon du reste.
Signe que le site fonctionne mais qu'il n'existe aucune honnêteté ou respect par ailleurs, seule la force peut imposer le respect chez les dusII..
c'est le règne du mensonge et franchement on peut se demander si la solution serait de faire preuve de plus de brutalité dans nos relations, ça en calmerai plus d'un.
Deux nouveaux sites vont bientôt entrer dans la lumière et druidegaulois.net va peut-être disparaître, le reste des informations importantes sur le druidisme antique seront dispensées physiquement. Le combat va prendre une autre tournure.
Il s'agira d'un site pour réécrire l'idéologie ancienne et les textes institutifs de la nation gauloise modernisée, puis un autre, de type militaire nommé "Soldurio".
Pas de politique d'extrême droite où d'extrêmisme tout court,
Pas de misogynie et de traditions monothéistes,
Pas de culs bénis où de Grenouilles de bénitier 🐸,
Absolument aucuns liens avec le judaïsme,
Pas de franc-maçonnerie (GORSEDD, cicdecc, inconnus chez nous),
Pas d'aryens où d'odinisme runique,
C'est un site uniquement gaulois, les autres sont des menteurs et des gourous mangeurs de foin à la petite semaine.
Le site est gratuit.
De nombreuses fouilles archéologiques prouvent les installations successives sur certains sites, depuis le néolithique moyen jusqu'à l'âge de fer. Confirmant en fait qu'il existe un lien civilisationnel complet entre les hommes ayant existé il y a 5000 ans et nos ancêtres gaulois.
Cela ne s'invente pas, le néolithique moyen correspond à l'installation des mégalithes et dolmens.
Nb: on raconte que le druide Diviciacos sacrifia deux taureaux blancs liés par les cornes. C'est le symbolisme exacte de la Torc enterrée dans le fossé extérieur de Stonehenge. Elle fait plusieurs dizaines de mètres et est composée de deux têtes d'aurochs reliés par une bande composée de bois de cerfs entremêlés, comme pour symboliser une corde.
Surtout, si vous croyez aux forces du mal, que vous priez sur des autels sanglants et que vous pensez à faire des actes sacrificiels......allez voir ailleurs.
Le druidisme n'est pas fait pour les obscurantistes religieux.
Toutes les informations contenues dans ce site sont là pour servir de bases d'études à ceux qui désirent se retrouver pour un druidisme bien gaulois.
Enregistrez les pages de ce site permettra de les protéger contre l'obscurantisme et l'oubli.
Ce que je fait ici a tout a voir avec l'art, l'histoire et un fort engagement écolo-futuriste.
Je ne suis ni un gourou, ni un messie et n'appartient à aucune secte.
Je retrace et je réinvente la spiritualité naturelle des druides antiques afin de la redonner à un monde qui en a fort besoin aujourd'hui. C'est un travail d'artiste qui raconte une histoire,
notre histoire.
C'est un mélange de fiction et de réalité, de la reconstruction, une oeuvre devant évoluer pour s'affirmer au mieux de ses possibilités.
Le druidisme gaulois n'appartient qu'aux druidisants gaulois de tous horizons et seulement à ceux là.
Si vous désirez utiliser ces informations pour vos propres cercles je vous demande ceci: Pas de politique, vos discours doivent se référer au druidisme gaulois et bien sùr vous n'avez pas le droit d'échanger mon travail contre de l'argent.